May-01-2024: Added a 'FHOST_5100' column, which is the host-to-total flux ratio at rest-frame 5100A. This host fraction is estimated using a spectral PCA decomposition method, and is only performed for the z<1 subset of DR16Q. All other columns in the catalog remain the same, i.e., the original L5100 still includes potential host contribution. These FHOST_5100 values may be useful if you want to study detailed AGN luminosity correlations, or to revise the single-epoch BH masses based on L5100 and Hbeta width. ------ May-16-2023: Updated missing data in columns SIIV_OIV and SIIV_OIV_ERR. ------ Oct-23-2022: Added columns LOGL2500 and LOGL2500_ERR. ------ Sep-08-2022: Catalog online.